In 1856 Richard Tangye required some special pumps for hydraulic jacks and teamed up with his brother Joseph an excellent machinist with a fine homemade lathe,
they rented a small room in Birmingham and laid the earliest foundations of the Tangye tradition.
Soon after James joined Joseph in the workshop and in 1857 all five brothers together formed their first company under the name "James Tangye and Brothers".
Working as engineers and machinists they concentrated on hydraulic and lifting jacks, registering their first patent in March 1857 for an "Improved hydraulic jack"
Tangye came to fame in January 1858 when many of their 12-inch cylinder jacks helped launch the iron steam ship the "Great Eastern" of 32,000 tons and 211 meters long.
Tangye continued making Hydraulic, screw and bottle jacks as their mainstay of their business until Tangye Ltd became a subsidiary of the Central Wagon Co Ltd, Lancashire.
The name of Tangye is still used today as one of the divisions that make up Allspeeds that make a range of Tangye Hydraulic Jacks see,