A Hundred Years of Engineering Craftsmanship 1857 - 1957

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There can be few firms of the size of Tangyes Ltd. with trade connections spreading across the world, who have succeeded in keeping unbroken the family succession in management over the last century. Not only has this been achieved at Cornwall Works, but the organization shows signs of vigorous growth and expansion.
Although in the strict sense a public company, the majority of the capital is still in the hands of the Tangye family. From time to time, therefore, the incidence of death duties is likely to bear oppressively on the firm. This is a material drawback to an organization which has carried over into the twentieth century some of those personal characteristics which many firms of similar size lost many years ago. The family connection is not only of the Tangyes orders, in bringing out new designs.

The Trade Unions and their representatives now are in close accord with the management in helping to maintain that sense of working co-operation which has existed since the earliest days. To the good offices of the Shop Stewards and Conveners is due the continued goodwill and the survival of the ‘human touch’ throughout the Works. themselves, but also of those men throughout the various departments whose fathers and grandfathers have worked at the Cornwall Works during the last hundred years. This sense of tradition, of long service, of individuality, evokes a loyalty which has proved itself on many occasions
—in strikes, in depressions, in wars. But loyalty plays also an incalculably valuable part in everyday peacetime running of the factory, in fulfilling important
Goodwill and loyalty extend beyond the confines of Cornwall Works to the friends and associates overseas who act as agents for Tangye products. With many, the connection goes back well over half a century; others have only recently become associated with the firm. To their assistance and co-operation Tangyes Ltd. owe much of their success in the past; they will play undoubtedly a great part in the future, and to them all the firm owes a deep debt of gratitude.

Today closer ties are being built up between those who work at home and those who represent or sell for the firm abroad. Partly instrumental in fostering this mutual understanding has been the publication of a house journal, One and All, designed to bring to all members of the Tangye organization, news and knowledge about their work at home and abroad, so that each can appreciate the difficulties and successes of the others. That sense of team-work implicit in the old Cornish motto has been one of the outstanding characteristics of the firm throughout its century of existence.
Many other things at Cornwall Works today the founders would approve and recognize as in direct descent from themselves and their work. James would appreciate the application of new knowledge to first-class design, Joseph would take particular pleasure in the skill of the craftsmen and their apprentices, Richard would look enthusiastically to the world-wide selling organization and the latest Canadian venture, George would see that good relationship between management and men which he always sought to foster. The brothers left a fine heritage full of life and vigour; their successors today strive to hand it on in good heart and strength.

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